Experience real state like never before
Here's how it works:
Step 1
Start with the style

Stop wasting time at showings that aren’t what you’re looking for. Figure out your style with our quiz and share the results with your agent to focus your search.

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Step 2
Collect Inspo

You know what you like when you see it! Use our image based explore page to see whats jump out at you. Save your favorites to moodboards you can share with friends, family and your agent.

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homes for sale
Step 3
Browse Homes

Make it easier by keeping everything in one place. Browse available property in the country's most desirable neighborhoods curated based on your taste. You can also search using a variety of filters.

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Step 4
See the potential

Get connected to a forward-thinking agent using modwell to bring the possibilities to life. They'll work with our designers to help you picture what properties could look like before you buy.

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Real Estate has Evolved
We think you deserve better.
Curated and personal
We know finding the right home is a super emotional process. At every step—from style quiz to property designs—Modwell creates a highly personal experience that curates everything to your tastes, needs, and market.
Hidden Gems to Dream Homes
Experience home buying like you see on your favorite shows. Before making any decisions, see high quality renderings of what a property could look like once you make it your own.
Project Ready
Homes should adapt to your life over time. To set you up for success on future changes, Modwell collects all your 3D models, floorplans, and other documents in your home profile so you can easily share with architects, contractors, and designers.
Design at your Fingertips
Work with our experts to explore possibilities with 3D designs. In our design shop, you can request designs for interior rooms, exterior spaces, or an immersive virtual tour of your whole home.
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Make a place your own
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Design from scratch
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